Everybody knows what burnout is, and the boss who yells at his subordinates with such intensity that they fear he might have a heart attack is prone to it. It is also common in any career, and many managers are unaware of how to prevent burnout.

Identifying the causes of burnout and how to prevent it is very important to maintain a positive work environment. It doesn’t just come from working too many hours; it is also a complex response that requires multiple factors to be considered.

Here are a few tips on how to help your employees avoid burnout.

Allow for Side Projects

Employees should be allowed to take on a side project that they are passionate about. For example, some of Google’s most innovative ideas came from these projects.

Provide Actionable Feedback 

One of the most effective ways to prevent burnout in the workplace is by regularly giving and receiving feedback from your direct reports. This allows you to build a stronger relationship with your employees and provide them with a private forum to discuss their concerns.

Feedback is important to employees as it can help them improve their performance. According to a survey, 69 percent of workers said they would work harder if given more recognition, and 24 percent indicated that they would look for work elsewhere if they were not receiving adequate feedback.

Prioritize Mental Health 

Employee burnout costs around $125 billion annually in the U.S., including the emotional and physical toll it takes. Maintaining a work-life balance in today’s digital world can be tricky, especially for remote workers.

Make sure that your direct reports take time off as needed. Remember that everyone has unique needs and will require varying support to stay mentally and physically healthy. You can also encourage your team members to take advantage of the various wellness benefits available through your company’s benefits package.

Encourage Breaks and Holidays 

Some employees may be hesitant to take a break from work due to fear of missing an important update or falling behind. To help motivate your team members, you can implement various activities into their daily routines. For instance, you can arrange for each member to participate in a virtual meditation session before a meeting.

Make sure that your team members use all of their vacation time. Also, ensure that you have a yearly report to ensure no over-allotments. You can add activities during company hours to encourage your team members to leave their desks and participate in social events.